OEM Controls Blog

OEM Controls has been the leader in design and development of electrohydraulic controllers and control systems since our establishment in 1966. We configure each product to individual customer specifications using field-proven components, a long list of available options, and state-of-the-art engineering expertise. Our core products include single and multi-axis joysticks and controllers, ergonomically designed multi-grip handles, electronic valve driver boards, microprocessor-based logic controllers and integrated panel systems.  We provide what our customers want, not just what we have in our catalogs.

OEM’s headquarter is in Shelton, Connecticut and we employ over 200 people. Our blog is an easy way of keeping new and existing customers updated on our latest products and in the loop with current events!

23 03, 2020

A Letter To Our Customers: COVID-19 Updates

By OEM | March 23, 2020 | | 0 Comments
10 03, 2020

OEM Introduces Easy-To-Use Interactive SketchPad

By OEM | March 10, 2020 | | 0 Comments

Our visitors at ConExpo/IFPE 2020 will be in for a treat as OEM Controls debuts its newest feature on their newly designed website. For those of you who don’t know, OEM Controls has the ability to customize or custom build any style joystick...

06 03, 2020

Coronavirus' Affect on Production

By OEM | March 06, 2020 | | 0 Comments

OEM Controls Inc. would like to take this time and discuss the COVID-19 (current coronavirus) outbreak. As the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase within and outside of China, we want to be transparent on how this may have an effect on...

05 03, 2020

OEM Controls Announces New Website Launch

By OEM | March 05, 2020 | | 0 Comments

After much thought and discussion all of us at OEM Controls has decided that it’s time to make our website work better for YOU. Our current site has been great to us and has truly helped our business grow and provide the professional support our...


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